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JUST RELEASED: Leveling the Playing Field: New Data on Gaps and Opportunities for Women in Field Roles Click here

Gerardo Mejía Enciso

Creative Lead

Gerardo is a graphic designer, photographer and video producer who conveys Value for Women’s complex gender-inclusion data and information through high-quality, appealing and modern visual and multimedia products. Gerardo has created several best-in-class materials for projects, publications and the organization’s knowledge and dissemination requirements.

Gerardo brings 10 years of experience in several fields, including agriculture, gender, sustainability, and social and business development. He is an expert in branding, infographics, editorial design and corporate communications.

For over half his career he worked with international and multicultural teams, including at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, the Borlaug Training Foundation, the University of Texas at Austin, and The Global FoodBanking Network.

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Gerardo Mejía Enciso
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