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Gender Smart Nexus
Join the hundreds of investors, businesses and intermediaries who are improving their gender smart practices today!
Mainstreaming Gender across the Organisation by Creating a Cross Cutting Gender Action Plan
Root Capital provides loans ranging from $200 000 to $2-million to small and medium enterprises in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Indonesia. For Root Capital, gender-lens investing is a holistic practice that applies across its programmatic work and internal operations; these efforts are strategically housed under its cross-organizational Women in Agriculture Initiative (WAI) to promote opportunities for women in agricultural supply chains.
Translating Gender Intentionality into Capital Inclusion and Internal Diversity
inBEST Ventures (inBEST) is a new local-impact investment firm in the Philippines and one of the few in that country that pursues gender-lens investing (GLI), seeking to grow companies in a way that gives equal access to opportunities for women and men. inBEST was established in 2020 with a focus on investing in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) owned or led by women.
Using Stakeholder Engagements to Access Women Entrepreneurs
Tega Ventures is a pan-Asian venture capital fund focused on the “she economy” and founded by Virginia Tan. It focuses on investing in technology companies in Southeast Asia, with strategic exposure to China and India.
Increasing Representation of Women in the Workforce through Gender-Inclusive Recruitment
This case study explores the experience gained from a Peruvian agribusiness that produces and commercializes organic products, while promoting environmental sustainability and the economic development of farming communities.
Improving Productivity through Policies and Practices Targeted at Women
Interloop Limited is among the world’s largest hosiery manufacturers and one of the top foreign exchange earners for Pakistan. It produces around 600-million pairs of socks and tights annually for international brands and retailers, with an annual turnover of $270-million.
Increasing Sales through a Gender-Inclusive Market Research and Communications Gender Action Plan
Women-focused marketing was used to increase sales for nopal, amaranth, honey and processed food businesses and cooperatives in Mexico, supplying supermarkets, restaurants and customers.