Towards Gender Balance in Public Procurement: Understanding the Barriers and Solutions to Include Women-Led Businesses
Gender-Transformative Business Models in Agriculture
Insights Issue 1: Looking Back– A Decade of Insights on Gender Inclusion in Business, Investment, and Finance in Emerging Markets
Value for Women is celebrating a decade of change. In the 10 years since we launched, we have collectively pioneered a field that creates a role for business, investment, and finance to contribute to gender and social equality.
Today, with so much still to do and given the huge challenges we face – particularly with all that the global context throws our way – it is critical that we consolidate the advancements and recognize their significance.
This is why we created this Insights series. With it, we take stock of how far gender has come in business, investment, and finance, share the key learnings on what works, and fuel up for what’s next.
Insights Issue 2: The Business Case – Is the Business Case for Including Women Enough to Drive Change?
Insights Issue 3: Capital – How Can We Move More Capital with a Gender Lens?
Insights Issue 4 — Women Decision Makers: What Is Stopping Capital from Reaching Women Decision Makers in Emerging Market Finance?
Insights Issue 5: Innovation– How Does Innovation Drive Change for Gender Inclusion in Finance and Investment?
Insights Issue 6: Agriculture– How Can Investors Level the Playing Field for Women in Agricultural Livelihoods?
Insights Issue 7: Gender Smart Nexus Benchmark Report– Enterprises
Summary Report - Pathways for Success: Women’s Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia
Closing the Gender Gap in Agricultural Investments
Multi-country Study on Women-led MSMEs, With a Focus on Microenterprises in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Rwanda and Uganda
Multi-country study on women-led MSMEs, with a focus on micro enterprises in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Rwanda and Uganda.