Mango Fund Case Study: How a Ugandan Investment Fund Is Doubling the Number of Women-Owned Businesses in Its Portfolio
104 Entrepreneurial Intermediaries and Investors Globally took a Self-Assessment on Gender and This is What We Saw
Lenders Are Taking Steps to Mainstream Gender Lens Investing and Providing Insights for Others
Sharing the Big Picture: Getting to Where We Are Today with Gender-Smart Technical Assistance for Enterprises
Gender-Forward Business Practices for Digital Platforms: A Supply-side Exploration
Trends and Opportunities to Advance Gender Equality in Business in Asia and the Pacific
Largely guided by the WEPs, the report offers a depth of insights, emerging best practices, and identifies forward-looking actions that companies in Asia and the Pacific can take to promote gender equality through their business operations.
Making Digital Platforms Work for Women in Rural Agricultural Livelihoods
Synthesizing insights from research conducted with four digital platforms operating in Nigeria, Kenya, and India
Investor’s Journey In Gender Lens Investing: Examples From The Field (AVV)
Value for Women Presents Insights at FinEquity Annual Member Meeting 2023
Voices from the Field: Episode 3
An agribusiness solution to reduce turnover among women employees
Voices from the Field: Episode 2
How a Financial Institution Used its Own Data for Capturing a Greater Share of the Women's Market
Voices from the Field: Episode 1
How an MFI Met Women's Product and Service Needs